What is cellulite?

Many individuals actually have cellulite without ever realizing they do indeed have it or how to get rid of it. Cellulite is considered a non life threatening condition that often appears mostly in women but can occur in men as well. A popular myth is that cellulite is causes by obesity and is completely untrue. A variety of people ranging from overweight, to normal weight, and even very thin people can get cellulite.

Unfortunately it can have effects on us not only physically but mentally as well. If you don't like the way you look eventually it will take a toll on how you feel about yourself inside and out which can hurt social standings with friends, family, and our personal life. There are several causes behind why the cellulite occurred and can happen at different stages in your life.

Instead of being an actual physical object cellulite is more of a description which is referring to a dimpling or ripples in our skin. The dimpling occurs when a superficial pocket of trapped fat deposits that distort or push the connective tissues below the skin. The trapped fat doesn't allow the lymph system to work properly which causes cellulite to occur. There are several reasons behind why this happens and some can be controlled or prevented while others will happen regardless of what you do.

Cellulite forms in steps which start out when fat metabolism is distributed and then the fat cells become fatter. They will then squeeze together your capillaries which can disrupt the microcirculation which will cause a breakdown in your skins elastic and collagen support structure. Fluid retention and toxins both will increase.

There are several things that can cause cellulite such as high stress levels, smoking, dehydration, hormonal changes, slow metabolism, lack of exercise, fashion style such as wearing too much elastic, poor diet, and genetically.

However, as bad as it may sound again it's not life threatening and can be treated with various methods. Your doctor can recommend which treatment will be best for your specific case. You won't always be able to stop it but at least you can do what you can to prevent it from becoming worse. There are many treatments and creams available on the market to help reduce or completely remove cellulite all together. Remember though that it's not always your fault especially if it's genetic. There are several reasons behind why this happens and some can be controlled or prevented while others will happen regardless of what you do.

In order to prevent cellulite you need to change several of your daily habits such as keeping yourself nourished with only healthy foods and hydrated with water and juices. Even if you work behind a desk all day take time out to walk around the office or go for a run after work. Avoid things such as smoking and increasingly stressful situations if it can be avoided. You won't always be able to stop it but at least you can do what you can to prevent it from becoming worse.

by 'Benjyx'