i message replace the text sms and call

Not blackberry messenger but i message,Instant messaging applications apple (i message) has great potential to replace the text sms and call,for example, AT & T operator in the United States experienced a decline in revenue growth in the sector of the text SMS from the previous 41% to 21%.

iMessage is a Apple cloud computing-based data service that works like Blackberry messenger,Consumers are still going to rely on mobile phones using SMS if they are not so sophisticated, but it is also predicted not last long. Because there is a trend that mobile users will be many more who use smartphones.

Not just special services such as BBM or iMessage, applications such as What's App starts sounding echo. In the Netherlands for example, the operator KPN noted Whats App on Android adoption reached 85%.

With i message users can also perform a series of activities such as sending text sms, photos, videos, exchanging contacts, through any IOS device. This application also supports group chat, and integrated with notification features that are present in IOS 5.