Tips to play Farmville on Facebook

Farmville is a virtual simulation game. Games which can only be played on facebook put his players as a farmer. Through this farming simulation game, players will be challenged to manage a farm (farm animals to maintain the planting of trees).

According to a source who was released by the second, the game farm has scooped Farmville human population of about 1% (about 82 million players). Well, if you want to become a successful farmer in Farmville game on facebook, here are his tips taken from one of the main tips in seconds as follows.:

1. Exploiting Location Around
By utilizing the space efficiently on farms that accompanied the player guarding an organized plot, it will further enhance the experience and benefit to the player.

2. Utilizing Neighbors
Instead of buying the animals and trees from the market, just add a few neighbors. Because the neighbors can send the item as a gift to a player with so gamers can get the animals and trees for free. But do not forget to to return the favor by sending the same thing.

3. Take Advantage of Animals
Livestock not only look funny, but also can be utilized to enhance the player coins. For example, by gathering eggs, milking, making wool, and others.

4. Take advantage of Building Function
Buildings do not just look good on agriculture, but also potentially to be profitable. Buildings such as the Horse Stables, Dairy Barns and Chicken Coops, can be used as a 'warehouse' cattle. And if the lucky player may receive a foal when gathering cattle.